Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hanging Garden update

Yesterday my friend S hit the big four-oh. The celebrations kicked off with a long lunch with friends, then S and I retired to a very nice pub in Hammersmith, where we lounged on sofas, drank champagne, [I knitted some sock,] and set out our goals for 2008, before rounding off the evening with a visit to the cinema to see Charlie Wilson's War. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day.

I didn't finish S's birthday stole in time . In fact, due to staying late at work this week, I've only managed a couple of rows in the evening before falling asleep. However, several hours relaxing in front of the telly today allowed for much knitting, and what you see here are three pattern repeats. [The flash has completely drained the yarn's beautiful colour, so a closer representation is below.] My new deadline is the first week of February, which is when S and I are due to meet next, so clearly I need to move it up a gear.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

A new year

What an amazing turn-out at I Knit's New Year knit-in this week. We were a massive group of knitters at the Royal Festival Hall, which is just a fab venue, stylish, open and spacious with lots of light. I think it might become a regular haunt.

It really was nice to see so many knitters and quite a few new faces. I hope they all enjoyed the evening and come again. As ever, it was great to catch up with the usual suspects, everyone was on good form, and Melissa and I continue to compete against each other to be the slowest to finish their travelling sock.

I irritated everyone that evening with a ferocious cough. On Boxing Day, I had returned to London late in the evening, feeling unwell, and the next day I was in bed with 'flu. I was completely wiped out for the next few days, but I thought I was well enough to go back to work on the 2nd. In fact, just one day in the office and the knit-in was enough to send me back to bed again for the rest of the week.

So, despite spending the best part of a fortnight at home, there has been precious little knitting. At some point I managed another repeat on the Flower Basket Shawl, but for the most part I have had no energy or desire to pick up the needles.

This is an evening's work on the Hanging Garden Stole, in mahogany JaggerSpun Zephyr. Last week, I decided I wanted to knit a shawl for a friend's birthday present (the big four-oh). Unfortunately, I've left it too late and even with the usual excellent service provided by the Woolly Workshop [yarn ordered and delivered in four days, including a bank holiday], there is no way I am going to meet the deadline next week. Still, time pressures apart, I'm very much enjoying this project; the pattern is beautifully structured and you don't have to knit far before you see stunning results. The border is simple garter stitch which is knit together with the body, so there are no worries about running out of yarn. Speaking of which, the Zephyr suits this pattern and construction perfectly, and although you can't tell from the picture, the gauge and drape feel just right to me.

Apart from being ill, it's been a wonderful break. But it's back to work tomorrow, heigh-ho, heigh-ho, back to stress and pressure and deadlines and demands. But I am full of good resolve and positive thoughts for the year ahead. Happy new year to everyone, and all the best for a peaceful and happy 2008.