Saturday, July 01, 2006

My sock has shrunk

I had successfully completed the heel flap and shaping, picked up stiches for and was already shaping the instep, when I simply lost concentration of where I was. I decided to undo some rows, but the more I unraveled, the more difficult I found it to pick up and start again. So, as you can see from the mound of yarn to the right of my suddenly shortened sock, I have gone right back to the cuff. I am so behind schedule.

Anyway, it's an absolutely glorious day, hot and sunny, but I am staying in. I've been out almost every night this week, so am grateful for a day relaxing. A certain football match is on in just over half an hour, so I will take up First Sock and try to catch up. (I'm not really interested in the World Cup, but secretly will be pleased if Ingerlund win today).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eek, what happened? You'd better put your foot down :-) Seriously honey, it looks just great.