Saturday, November 04, 2006

I'm on the home stretch. Cozy measures 48 inches, and I've just started the fourth skein of malabrigo. Trouble is, I'm getting more and more worried about the width; it's currently 17 inches stretched, but merino has so much memory, it keeps bouncing back to 15 inches. I am not convinced blocking is going to give me the additional five or so inches that I want. This is a present for someone, so ripping it is not an option. I thought about creating same-patterned panels to run either side, but even if the seaming was invisible, they would completely ruin the drape of the shawl, so I'll just have to add a border and hope block for the best. If anyone has any ideas or tips for blocking worsted merino, please, please let me know.

1 comment:

Tarilyn said...

Found you Elly!
Maybe you could crochet around the edge? I bet once you block it, it will stay put, especially with a good shot of steam.
Don't you just love knitting with the Malabrigo? It's so soft! Speaking of soft, I drooled over your new Lousia Harding purhase (the plum). Yum yum. Haven't seen any of that here yet!